Wednesday, July 27, 2011

True Love Awaits

My current obsession: 500 Days of Summer.
And no, not because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is the love of my life, but because the story is real.

Below is one of my favorite quotes taken by the movie. The scene is taken at Angela's Plaza. Here, sitting on a bench, Summer and Tom speak for the last time. Tom expresses his frustration to Summer, on how she; who never wanted a boyfriend, and didn't believe in true love, is now married.

Summer: Well, you know, I guess it's 'cause I was sitting in a deli and reading Dorian Gray and a guy comes up to me and asks me about it and... now he's my husband.
Tom: Yeah. And... so?
Summer: So, what if I'd gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I'd gotten there 10 minutes later? It was - it was meant to be. And... I just kept thinking... Tom was right.
Tom: No.
Summer: Yeah, I did.
Summer: I did. It just wasn't me that you were right about.

We've all experienced what Tom has felt. Someone special, who we had reason to believe was the one, turned out to be anything but. It hurts. It's not easy to move on. We question if true love really does exist.
But it does. Sometimes we just have to suffer a few broken hearts to find it. I'm a firm beleiver that God has a special man out there prepared for me, and when I meet him, all the heartbreak and frustration I've experienced in the past will mean nothing. I just have to wait patiently for my time to come.

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